There are different approaches and scenarios in cooperation with us.
We are flexible and very aware that not two projects are alike.

Scenario A:

You have a project which is almost fully developed, but lacks funding. We take over the project, either totally, and we fund it to 100%, or partially (partially, if the client has already spent money on development and thereby has skin in the game). Profits from the project are shared with the client proportionally, according to the economic engagement. Read also the note below regarding bank debt.

Note on Bank debt

We do not partner with clients if their bank has ownership (collateral) of the project. This is because the banks do not have the necessary interest/competence in completing the project, but merely focus on getting their money back, and therefore do not contribute with something positive to the completion of the project. A way round this situation is to obtain financing elsewhere and repay the bank, or Simfex Development may source the necessary funding. This way only the stakeholders/participants are involved in the project.

Scenario B:

You have a project or product that is fully developed in draft but do not have the necessary contacts, resources or opportunities to bring the project to life. We execute all phases including contact with contractors and authorities, if applicable.

General notes regarding funding

Simfex Development can source funding for almost any type of project through external investors from different markets. In addition to this, we have recently opened up for public participation in financing. More on this through dialogue.

If Simfex Development sources the funding, we will always take full control over the financial aspects of the project – we do not procure funding and subsequently handing it over to the partner/client.

Scenario C:

You merely have a great idea for a product / project, present the idea to us and if we believe there is potential and perspective to move forward with the idea, we implement it based on a mutual agreement. You participate with your skills and knowledge, and we take care of the rest, including funding, if needed.

Scenario D:

We are open to input. Let’s see what you have and what you expect.

Scenario A:

You have a project which is almost fully developed, but lacks funding. We take over the project, either totally, and we fund to 100%, or partially (partially, if the client has already spent money on development and thereby has skin in the game). Profits from the project are shared with the client proportionally according to the economic engagement. Read also the note below regarding bank debt.

Scenario B:

You have a project or product that is fully developed in draft but do not have the needed contacts, resources or opportunities to bring the project to life. We execute all phases and the necessary contact with contractors and authorities (if applicable) as well.

Scenario C:

You merely have a great idea for a product / project, present the idea to us and if we believe there is potential and perspective to move forward with the idea, we implement based on a mutual agreement. You participate with your skills and knowledge, and we take care of the rest, funding included if needed.

Scenario D:

We are open to input. Let’s see what you have and what you expect.

Note on Bank debt

We do not partner with clients if their bank has ownership (collateral) of the project. This is because the banks do not have the necessary interest/competence in completing the project, but merely focus on getting their money back, and therefore do not contribute with something positive to the completion of the project. A way around this situation is to obtain financing elsewhere and repay the bank, or Simfex may source the needed funding. This way only the stakeholders/participants are involved in the project.

General notes regarding funding

Simfex can source funding for almost any type of project through external investors from different markets. In addition to this, we have recently opened up for public participation in financing. More on this through dialogue.

If Simfex sources the funding, we will always take full control over the financial aspects of the project – we do not procure funding and subsequently handing it over to the partner/client.